
False Double (2013)

  • Directed by Paul Di Palma
  • Hunger Artist Productions LLC
  • Paul Di Palma: Writer, Director
  • Category: short film
  • Imdb

Lloyd is riding the bus home from his annual sales convention when he notices a man who bares a striking resemblance to himself. This double awakens an intense curiosity within Lloyd leading him upon a path of self-discovery.

  • Jason Liebman, False Double
  • Debinha
  • False Double
  • Lloyd is seeing double
  • Jorge Cordova as the Double


Where does the time go?

It has been two years since I started Pre-Production on False Double and the film is nearly completed.  I am currently finishing up the effects, while Erol and Rob are cooking up some sounds.  If all goes well The film will be finish... ... (continued)

pre-production begins on new short film; False Double

Started pre-production on a new short film. The title of the film is False Double.... (continued)